Monday, September 14, 2009

Soapy Success

Our private cold process class last week was a blast! I was super impressed by the advanced swirling techniques that everyone jumped right into and ended up with some gorgeous bars to take home. Check out these swirls!


  1. Beautiful swirls. I am not so good at that. Working on it though.

  2. I've always been a lousy "swirler" despite continued practice. Just not my forte I guess. Still I swirl because it does look lovely. Lately, I've been adding "bubbles" instead, and soap curls, and other odds and ends stuff...whatever my wacky mind conjures up! The soap swirls in the pics are definitely beautiful!

  3. Those look great! And wow, the bottom right looks like it might lather merlot - that was one enthusiastic new soaper. =)

  4. They did turn out great! So much fun, too. The best advice I can give about swirling has to be "less is more." It's common to over-work the process while trying to create the perfect swirl. The more you stir the soap to make a pattern, the more the colors mix together and you loose that fantastic contrast. Try just a few passes with a spoon or fork and then let it be. Keep it up Lindsey and Trish!
