Here's what you need:
Clear melt-and-pour soap base
Rubber ducks
Cellini Blue Mica
Opalescent Green Mica
Vintage Gray Mica
12 Bar Silicone Mold (love this!!)
Glitter is optional
Rubbing alcohol
Fragrance of your choice. I used Fresh Bamboo.
To begin, melt about a cup of clear base and color with cellini blue mica. Pour a thin layer of soap in five or six squares. Melt a quarter of a cup of base and color with vintage gray. Pour a thin layer in two or three other squares. Slice these into strips when hardened.
Melt about 2 cups of clear base, add scent and teensy tiny pinch of opalescent green mica to add shimmer to the "watery" look. Pour a thin layer in six squares. Spray rubbing alcohol on both the layer and the cut soap strips and start throwing in those cut strips in with the clear/green soap. It doesn't have to be perfect, and I like have random pieces sticking out the top. The dark adds some depth and contrast, but most of the strips are blue. Keep filling with the clear/green soap until you've filled the cavity about 1/2 an inch from the top.