Spring means floral fragrances and beautiful bright colors! The joy of using melt-and-pour is being able to create fine detail by layering colored soap. I like to look for great springtime molds under the plants and animals section at Bramble Berry. Flowers, bees, birds, gardener bars, lavender, lilac, and daffodil molds are perfect choices. The list goes on and on! Bright colors are a must. Tip: make sure to use a white background if you want light colors to stand out.
As for fragrances, absolutely anything floral is delightful right now. If you're looking for something a little more unique, try Sweet Meyer Lemon, Tomato Leaf, Grass Stain, Sweetgrass, or Black Raspberry Vanilla.
What are your favorites? Happy Spring!
Son muy bonitos, desde aqui se huele la primavera de lo vistoso que son, saludossss